Test-Prep: Beyond Studying

The best way to improve on tests is to improve your studying and the preparation you do leading up to the test or exam itself. However, there are a lot of other strategies that can play a subtle role in your success as well. Sourced from Cuseo, Fecas & Thompson (2007) and Wark & Flippo (1991). 

  • Get enough sleep beforehand. Not only does sleep help your long-term memory retain information, but getting enough sleep in the days leading up to the test will make you more alert, contribute to a positive mood, and decrease stress. 

  • Plan your meals. George Elliot says “no man can be wise on an empty stomach.” Eat breakfast (ideally with complex carbohydrates), but don’t eat too much right before the test as that can take blood away from your brain.  

  • Pack what you need. Take stock of what you’ll need for the test in advance, and make sure you have it ready the day of the test. (e.g., writing utensils and back-ups, calculator, or a note-card/page of notes if they're allowed)

School supplies
Student smiling walking to class while listening to music and looking confident
  • Develop some pre-test rituals. Consistent habits and behaviors can put you at ease in stressful situations. Examples might include taking a short walk, listening to music, or imagining your success on the exam. 

  • Arrive early to choose your seat. Getting to choose where you sit in the exam room is an advantage – arrive early and you can decide where you sit, minimizing distractions during the exam.  

  • Avoid anxious energy.  If you can see people who are overtly anxious, find a different place to sit or stand so their nerves don’t impact you. 

  • Focus on yourself. Use time prior to the test to relax, take deep breaths, and think positive thoughts. Focus on your own preparation and future success. 

  • Consider a brief “brain dump."  Write down any formulas, mnemonic devises or equations on a scrap of paper as soon as you begin. By recording things you are worried you might forget later, you can begin the exam with more confidence and less stress. 

  • Set a pace. Plan your time so you can review your answers before you turn the test in or, if that isn't allowed, so you can use the time fully and get through all the questions.  

  • Answer all of the questions. Most of the exams you’ll take in college benefit from taking guesses and answering questions as much as you can. You can’t earn points if you don’t answer the question at all.  

  • Review answers, but don’t second guess. Be willing to change your answer if you realize your first answer is incorrect. Studies show that reviewing test questions may help you catch errors or mistakes; however, this is different from second-guessing or doubting your answers.  Only change answers when you're sure you've made a mistake. 

  • Reflect on your test-taking experience. Use a “Test Autopsy Form” or other technique to analyze the problems or questions you missed, determine what techniques or strategies might have helped you, and plan for how you’ll approach your next exam.  

Students taking an exam in a lecture hall

Paper-based exams and some types of online exams allow you to employ additional strategies if you're able to skip around in the exam. If the test format allows: 

  • Skim the exam when you begin. If possible, review the exam start to finish. Take notes on the number of questions, point values for different questions, and other important information that will guide your strategy.  

  • Start easy. Start with the easy questions, skipping over difficult questions or questions you’re unsure of. Be sure you mark these skipped questions so you can return to them later. You may find clues to the answers in other questions, and answers/ideas may come to you as you're answering other questions, too.