Hello! Thanks for visiting our page with details on Course Guides, including example guides and a step-by-step process to engage in this work together.

"What does it take to be successful in this course?"

Too often we may assume that students will know to ask this question, or will know who to ask this question, or how to ask this question. That they will get the answer to this question early in the term, and proceed from there.

However, many students aren't finding the answers to these questions until partway through the term, or at the end of the term, or perhaps they're not finding the answer at all. That's where we get together and make change.

Here's how we think about this collaboration:

We're excited to engage in this work with you. Together, we have the ability to close the gaps for students, between what students enter the course knowing about how to succeed in the content; what wisdom students who've already taken the course can offer; what the experts in the content (faculty! instructors! TAs and GTAs!) have to share about how to structure learning and what activities to engage with; and what the ASC can offer by way of effective learning techniques and strategies and how those show up in the particular course.

Let's get students up to speed earlier, together.

Our Course Guide Process Document:

An example Course Guide: