Offer an Academic Success Workshop
What academic success workshops are offered?
The Academic Success Center (ASC) offers workshops on a number of prepared topics, such as test prep & the science of learning, planning & procrastination, concentration & distraction, and more. Workshops can vary in length and topic and we love to collaborate with partners to tailor and develop content to support specific groups and their needs. We can visit the classroom, contribute to events and programming, or participate in team trainings.
What makes workshops work best?
There's no single way to have a great workshop, but we find that workshops work best when:
- We plan together in advance
- You're there to introduce the topic, contextualize it for the group, and participate throughout
- The group has related follow-up actions to put what they've learned into practice
What if I want to offer extra credit?
If you want to offer extra credit, share the ASC's remote workshop series with your students!
The remote workshop series is offered over Zoom and runs each fall, winter and spring term from week 2 through week 10. Topics, days and times vary to offer students an array of topics to choose from at different times that might fit in their busy schedules. We find that students engage best when offered choice in the topic they want to learn more about.
To attend the remote series, students must register using their ONID email address. As a part of the registration process, students can enter your name and email to receive an attendance confirmation once the workshop is complete.
What if I have questions?
If you have questions about our workshops, or would like to talk more about options, please contact Sarah Norek. She'd love to connect!
Request an academic success workshop.