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What are Academic Learning Services (ALS) Courses?

Academic Learning Services (ALS) courses are 2-3 credit courses designed to help you acquire confidence and foundational skills necessary for success in the university environment. These courses challenge you with rigorous content while providing the support you need to be successful.  ALS courses are electives, and a maximum of 15 ALS credits will count toward graduation.

How will ALS Courses help me?

ALS courses offer an opportunity to learn skills for success at OSU. You’ll earn credits towards graduation while engaging in active learning and reflection that will help you on your path to earning your degree.  If you want to learn more about ALS courses, please read the descriptions below or view the course catalog for current course offerings.

How do I register for ALS courses?

You can register for ALS courses along with your course load for the upcoming term. If you have questions about the course, or other questions about the registration process, we highly recommend you talk to your academic advisor.  Your advisor can guide you as you design your course load for next term. ALS section offerings are listed in the course catalog for the current and following term: ALS Course Listings in Course Catalog

Featured Courses

ALS 114: Career Decision Making. ALS 114 Career Decision Making is a two-credit, letter-graded class that can help you better understand your interests, values, and abilities as they relate to the world of work. This class is team-taught by the University Exploratory Studies Program (UESP) academic advisors.  If you are a freshman or sophomore at OSU, ALS 114 can guide you through in-class activities and strategies for exploring careers. 

ALS 116: Academic Success. ALS 116: Academic Success is a two-credit course taught in a small class (~20 students) format. In ALS 116, you explore the expectations and skills involved in being academically successful at the university level. This class gives you the opportunity to enhance your study skills by learning about strategies for developing self-awareness, managing time, taking notes, choosing effective study strategies, and more. Typical activities include engaging with readings, practicing learning strategies, personal reflection and planning, and a final Academic Success Plan synthesizing learning from the term. ALS 116 is offered each term and is open to all OSU students. 

ALS 199: Academic Learning Strategies. ALS 199 focuses on specific learning strategies that can help you make the most of the time you have to study in preparation for exams. The course includes readings, activities, and discussions on topics like active learning, memory, distributed practice, and self-testing.

ALS 150, 151, 161, 162: INTO OSU Courses.