Join a community of peers this fall at the Peer Ed Conference!

by OSU peer educators, for OSU peer educators

In Fall 2024 we will have the second Peer Ed Conference at OSU! Peer educators are students who help other students, supporting fellow students’ learning and thinking. Student employees across many different areas of campus are in fact serving as peer educators! By participating the Peer Ed Conference, you will have a unique opportunity to join a community of your peers while adding something exceptional to your resume.


Save the Date

Saturday, October 26, 2024
12 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Memorial Union

Tentative 2024 Schedule at a Glance

  • 12 p.m. - Panel & FREE Lunch
  • 1:15 p.m. - First Workshop
  • 2:00 p.m. - Second Workshop
  • 2:45 p.m. - Third Workshop
  • 3:30 p.m. - Closing Activities

Full 2023 Agenda

Call for Presenters!

Interested in not only attending the Peer Ed Conference, but also presenting? We are looking for workshop developers, presenters, collaborators, and brainstormers! You don't have to have a finished product ready to join the conference as a presenter, and we have lots of guidance available to help you develop and fine-tune your presentations! Conference sessions should be around 40 minutes in length. Check out the sections below for guidance on our conference focus areas, submission and development timelines, and how to get in touch with our support team.

Call for Presenters! Peer Educator Conference 2023

Conference Focus Areas

Our student leadership team worked hard to bring together the thoughts and ideas about what topics might be most useful and interesting to peer educators attending the conference, and these 7 topics garnered the most support and interest from a subgroup of attendees. If you are developing an idea that fits within one of these topics, rest assured that your peers are already excited to learn about this from and with you!

  • Boundaries
  • Tools for stress response
  • Learning styles/strategies to reach all learners
  • Building trust/connection (in groups/pairs)
  • Effective, engaging presentations
  • How to form questions that will generate more discussion
  • Working with fellow students
  • Time management in the flow of the meeting
  • Handling anxiety within students during stressful sessions or times
  • Learning about disabilities & accommodations
  • ADHD/neuro-divergence & related subtopics
  • How to interact more with international students
  • Multilingualism & translanguaging
  • Effectively communicating with staff/faculty to be involved & share resources
  • Learning from one another
  • Interviewing skills workshops
  • Challenges and how to overcome them
  • How to frame experiences as a peer educator in job interviews
  • Networking opportunities for peer educators
  • How to develop relationships with other resources on campus

Preparation steps for presenters

You’ll receive as much support as YOU need, to create a learning activity that will help your fellow peer educators in their roles! The first step to joining the list of awesome presenters is to get in touch with Woodrós Wolford ( You will then confirm your topic and description by submitting them (coming soon!). We have provided a timeline which will help guide you toward being ready to present at the conference on October 26. We also have plenty of guiding documents you can use to develop your project and fine-tune your material.

Last Year's Submission Dates (updated dates for 2024 coming soon!)
  • Oct. 16: Submit initial draft of topics/descriptions
  • Oct. 26: Last date to finalize topics/descriptions 
  • Nov. 1: Last date for requests for room set up, printing, materials etc.
  • Nov. 1, 3-4 p.m.: On Site Orientation for Presenters @ Austin Hall
Last Year's Feedback Process (updated dates for 2024 coming soon!)

An important part of this conference is the opportunity to participate in the peer feedback process prior to presenting your workshop. We encourage all presenters to be involved in this process to ensure your materials are relevant and ready by the date of the conference!

  • Oct. 11: Create/answer research questions relevant to your topic
  • Oct. 16: Submit a rough draft of your workshop for feedback
  • Oct. 25: Feedback from other presenters due on rough drafts
Guiding Documents

New to presenting at a conference or delivering a workshop? That's okay! Find a LOT of guiding documents to support your project in this folder. We especially recommend checking out the templates for Creating Learning Activities, Crafting a Learning Goal, and the Project Plan Template!